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What are white geese called?

Have you ever seen a white goose and wondered what it was? Man has domesticated many animals over time and geese are no exception. This article will look at a…

Orange Birds

A flash of any bright colour gets your attention when looking at birds. So in this article we will take a look at a list of 20 birds who have…

Types of blue birds

Colourful birds are always a delight to see, and these blue birds in this article are no exception. We will look at a list of 20 types of blue birds…

How do owls sleep?

The question of how owls sleep? is often asked. This article will answer that question with a few more facts on owls as well. Hunting Most owls are nocturnal hunters…

Facts on the Snowy owl

In this article we will share some interesting facts about the snowy owl. This will include looking at their habitat, identification, size, lifespan, diet, voice, breeding and conservation status. When…